Yorkshire East Coast
Here you can find out all about news, events and services in the Hull and East Riding area.
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Huge congratulations to Susan Kyle who won the Volunteer of the Year Award sponsored by Anthony Gold Solicitors for her dedication to raising money for Headway Hull and East Riding.
Headway UK has launched a new film focussing on the experiences of two families affected by brain injury. It explores how they found out about Headway, and the help and support that the charity provided them.
Hull & East Riding volunteer Susan Kyle is a finalist for the Headway UK Volunteer of the Year award, and we couldn't be more proud!
Based on the true story of twins Anna and Lauren, a new virtual reality film allows viewers to experience Anna's brain injury recovery from the perspective of both Anna and Lauren. The twins were 20 were Anna was injured in a road traffic accident.
A new report, Time for Change: Acquired Brain Injury and Neurorehabilitation, has been published by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Acquired Brain Injury.
Jayne and Helen from Rotary Club of Barrow and Meridian did a daring skydive to raise an amazing £2,000 for Headway Humber! Watch the video and read all about it here.
Services in our area
CAB aims to provide the advice people need for the problems they face and improve the policies and practices that affect people’s lives. Provide free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities. CAB values diversity, promotes equality and challenges discrimination. For more details about the local Citizens Advice Bureau and […]
A free, confidential service available to anyone. Run by a team of trained nurses and non-clinical staff with expertise in supporting people with brain injury.
Headway UK produces award-winning and free publications on every brain injury-related issue.
Your local branches offer practical advice and support on a range of issues.