Legal and benefits help

Choices & Rights: Disability Coalition (CARDC)

21 Sep , 2018 Hull and East Riding,Information,Legal and benefits help,Work and Life

Choices & Rights: Disability Coalition (CARDC)

The Centre for Independent Living, covering Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire managed by Choices and Rights Disability Coalition. The Centre for independent Living (CIL) is a collection of key services for disabled people.. Choices and Rights staff members manage the Information Service,Direct Payments Support Schemes,Database of Potential Personal Assistants,Disability Information Service,Disability Equality Training, Consultancy,Equality […]

Citizens Advice Bureau

8 Nov , 2017 All areas,Information,Legal and benefits help

Citizens Advice Bureau

CAB aims to provide the advice people need for the problems they face and improve the policies and practices that affect people’s lives. Provide free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities. CAB values diversity, promotes equality and challenges discrimination. For more details about the local Citizens Advice Bureau and […]