The Neurological Alliance
The Neurological Alliance is pleased to announce the publication of their consensus statement on mental, emotional and cognitive health, written together with members of our mental health subgroup. This lays out what every person with a neurological condition should be able to expect, and what they believe needs to happen to get to a place where this expectation is fulfilled.
Given that neurological conditions relation to the brain, as well as to the spinal cord and nerves, the relationship between neurological conditions and mental health is complex.
Building on our Parity of Esteem work in 2017, they have recently built up further evidence of the huge level of need for better mental health provision amongst people with neurological conditions. The national neuro patient experience survey – which surveyed over 10,000 people and which they will be publishing the results of in July – showed that around one third of respondents had not been signposted/referred for support with their mental health, but would have liked this.
The Long Term Plan for the NHS established mental health as a priority area for improvement. So, they are calling for neurology to be included as a priority area for mental health improvement initiatives for people with long term conditions.
The publication of the consensus statement follows a national neurology-mental health summit at the Royal College of Psychiatrists yesterday, Chaired by the National Clinical Director for Mental Health, Tim Kendall. We will shortly share the write up from this event which will include actions and next steps for the National Neuro Advisory Group and others in the system.
The evidence shows that people with neurological conditions deserve more and better mental, cognitive and emotional health support than they are currently getting.
Should you wish to access the consensus statement please follow this link.