Castle Hill Ward 29 Fundraiser
We have now received a copy of the formal poster ahead of the Castle Hill Fundraiser.
We hope you can all come and join us to celebrate the hard work that Ward 29 do and help raise vital funds so they can continue their fantastic work!

By way of a reminder, Ward 29 at Castle Hill Hospital is a dedicated specialist rehabilitation ward. Many of our members have had some involvement with Ward 29, the rehabilitation received was vital to their recovery.
During and after any hospital stay, especially because of a head injury, some patients experience significant weakness. This may be due to their illness and the associated period of inactivity of being hospitalised. Many patients improve after their initial treatment but sometimes patients need further care and support to get back to their previous level of functioning. This is particularly more so in those with complex health conditions, such as after acquired brain injury or other neurological conditions and those patients who require prolonged intensive care treatment. These patients benefit from specialist rehabilitation provided by the team on Ward 29.
This year the fundraiser will take place on 14 July 2019.
Last year was a fantastic turnout, we had home bakes goodness, amazing weather, family games, tombolas and much much more. We hope this year will be just as good.
Please join us and help raise funds for Ward 29 so their remarkable work can continue.