Headway Suffolk’s Brainy Dog scheme
Headway Suffolk’s Brainy Dog scheme trains rescue dogs to be well trained companion and pets to people with a neurological condition. The dogs under our supervision are trained by prisoners, people with mental health problems, teenagers excluded from school and the homeless.
The project is funded by the Big Lottery. The Big Lottery is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year and is trying to find their best project. Out of 700 nominations, Brainy dogs is through to the final 10.
In order to win £10,000 and to appear on the BBC’s One show we need public votes.
To vote for Brainy dogs please visit https://www.lotterygoodcauses.org.uk/projects/view/brainy-dogs?context=vote
Once at this page, a valid email address or social media log-in is required to verify the vote. Only one vote per email address/social media account is permitted in each category.
Please consider supporting this project by voting today.