Q&A with Citizen’s Advice
We had a great evening at the Danish Seamen’s Church on Wednesday 19 June 2019. Our guest speaker, Sandra Scarth, was on hand to answer any questions raised by members of the group.

It was also great to see some new faces at the meeting, we hope you all enjoyed your evening and join us at future events.
Sandra provided a wealth of information about the services the Citizen’s Advice offer, details of the funding programmes and schemes that are currently available and may benefit our members as well as providing the details of her weekly outreach sessions.

We utilised the break out room for private discussions to ensure each of our members felt safe and secure discussing their issues. The Citizen’s Advice are on hand to help you with a variety of issues that may arise following a brain injury, they can assist with benefits enquiries, debt issues, tenancy and employment queries. Please do not be shy or afraid to ask for help, guidance and assistance. We are all here to help.
Sandra has kindly agreed to attend, as a follow up, our next meeting on 17 July 2019 should anyone have any additional queries or paperwork for her to review.
We give a huge Thank You to Sandra for giving up her spare time to come along and support our group.
Please do not hesitate to contact a committee member should you have any queries or wish to book an appointment with Sandra direct. By way of a reminder, her outreach sessions are held at the Hull Royal Infirmary on a Monday and a Thursday, and at the Castle Hill Hospital every Tuesday.