Choices & Rights: Disability Coalition (CARDC)

21 Sep , 2018 Hull and East Riding,Information,Legal and benefits help,Work and Life

The Centre for Independent Living, covering Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire managed by Choices and Rights Disability Coalition.

The Centre for independent Living (CIL) is a collection of key services for disabled people..

Choices and Rights staff members manage the Information Service,Direct Payments Support Schemes,Database of Potential Personal Assistants,Disability Information Service,Disability Equality TrainingConsultancy,Equality Act Advice (Disability) and Personal Health Budgets Support Scheme.

Choices and Rights is an organisation for disabled people in the Kingston upon Hull and East Riding of Yorkshire area. We are 100% run and controlled by disabled people. We believe that the best experts on the needs of disabled people are disabled people themselves and as a result, Choices and Rights membership and reputation has grown because agencies and organisations know that when they seek consultation with us they will have dialogue with a delegation of disabled people.

Our main aims are:

  • To promote the independence and inclusion of all disabled people in society
  • To Identify and pro-actively challenge the discrimination faced by disabled people
  • To encourage disabled people to work together to achieve change locally

The Hull Centre for Independent Living (incorporating Choices and Rights Disability Coalition) is located at:

The Centre for Independent Living
Jude Lodge (Tiverton House)
Tiverton Road

Tel: 01482 878778
Fax: 01482 370999
Textphone: 01482 370986
